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Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

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Microservices have become the standard in designing complex applications. As a result, the installation, maintenance and orchestration of such compound applications has become complex. To solve this problem, orchestration tools such as Kubernetes were created. But a tool like Kubernetes requires learning new technologies and change in workflow. The paper shows how much can be achieved by using existing technologies in microservice orchestration before moving on to more complex technologies such as Kubernetes and Istio. Using Netflix OSS for microservices development and Ansible for installation automation one can accomplish most of the things that are related to Kubernetes on so-called. "ordinary" servers.

Lecture details

Type: Lecture
Level of difficulty: Detailed
Experience Level: Experienced
Desirable listeners function: System Arhitect , Developer
Group of activity: Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

About speaker

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The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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