Cloud Native Microservices with MicroProfile, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio and OpenShift


Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

Date and time






Are you doing or considering Cloud Native microservices? Ever wondered what the unique challenges are and how best to address them on fully-open Java technologies? Are you doing the Cloud Native microservices the right way? In this workshop, you’ll learn what it means to be cloud-native and how that impacts application development. You’ll learn about Eclipse MicroProfile, an industry collaboration defining technologies for the development and management of cloud-native microservices. With a full set of MicroProfile workshop modules available to you, you’ll be able to start with the basics of REST services and progress to more advanced topics such as secure, fault tolerant, configurable and monitorable microservices. Once you’ve developed your microservice, you’ll learn how to package it in a Docker container and deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster. The role of a service mesh and use of Istio to manage your microservice interactions will also be learned. Finally, you can also learn how to deploy onto OpenShift, an enterprise Kubernetes application platform, to see how your microservice function. In summary, this workshop connects powerful open stacks to cover end-to-end cloud-native microservices from development to deployment.

Lecture details

Type: Workshop
Level of difficulty: Detailed
Experience Level: No experience
Desirable listeners function: Developer , All
Group of activity: Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

About speaker

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The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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