GraalVM by example


Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

Date and time






This session aims to answer such question through a demo-driven overview of the main features and capabilities of GraalVM.Want to run Java faster?Compile your Scala command line tool to run without a JVM?Use you favourite Ruby gem in your node.js webapp?Write your own high-performance programming language and get a debugger/profiler/coverage tool for free?Write a tool to understand how your Python script executes?Use the exact same tool for your R script?Extend your JVM or native application with scripting capabilities?Use javascript as part of you SQL query?GraalVM has you covered.And this session shows you how to get started.

Lecture details

Type: Lecture
Level of difficulty: General
Experience Level: No experience
Desirable listeners function: Developer
Group of activity: Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

About speaker

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The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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