Microservices made easy with MicroProfile, OpenJ9, Open Liberty and OpenShift


Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

Date and time






Microservices, microservices, microservices! That is all I hear from developers but how many of them have taken the plunge and started developing in this architecture style? When you start planning a microservice project there are many more things that need to be considered that simply was not required when creating monoliths. This talk will talk you through a truly open source, cloud-native stack starting at the bottom with OpenShift, then onto the JVM with OpenJ9, Open Liberty as the cloud-native application server then finally MicroProfile as the Java spec for microservices.

Lecture details

Type: Lecture
Level of difficulty: Detailed
Experience Level: No experience
Desirable listeners function: Developer , System Arhitect
Group of activity: Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

About speaker

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The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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