Kristijan Šarić EXACT BYTE d.o.o.

Kristijan Šarić from EXACT BYTE d.o.o. is a developer with 15 years of experience, where he mostly used Java, currently works with Haskell in IOHK.After 10 years of being a developer locally in companies in Pula, where he mostly used Java, but used other languages as well, he decides to take a new challenge with pure functional programming.2017 he opens up EXACT BYTE d.o.o. and starts working for IOHK, with a few consulting gigs where he worked for some American companies that used Haskell.In IOHK he lead a small team of junior Haskellers and mentored them, worked on 5 bigger projects.


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The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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